But it is the gameplay itself where this really does become so poor. Starting from the horrible graphics, everything about the game just felt clunky, with lots of wasted space and a lack of real detail being included. FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction was universally hated, with Metacritic giving the game a score of just 23%. 2011 FlatOut 3 Chaos & Destruction 23% You would think when you get to the third instalment to a franchise that a game wouldn't be poor, but that was not the case here. There was no end goal or opportunity to advance and unlock things, therefore it didn't take long to become stale.

It also didn't really build to anything and simply became repetitive. The main issue was that the game was incredibly difficult to navigate and it just felt insanely clumsy. Perhaps the plan was to create another Wii Sports style game, but in the end, this was a total flop. The game that was created for the Xbox 360's Kinect was supposed to take the interactivity to the next level. THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY 2010 Deca Sports Freedom 26% We kickstart this list at the very beginning of the decade, with the worst-rated game from 2010 by Deca Sports Freedom. Within this list, we will be focusing on the worst that have been released each year from this decade, according to Metacritic. While there have been some amazing games during that time, there have equally been some shocking ones.

As the decade draws to a close, it is time to look back at the various that have been made available throughout it. While every single game has some redeemable qualities, a certain selection of games have a lot more negatives that outweigh them. Not every can be a hit, despite the effort that is put into creating all of them. The Worst Video Game Every Year Of The Decade According To Metacritic TheGamer Something New The Worst Video Game Every Year Of The Decade According To Metacritic While there have been some amazing games during this past decade, there have equally been some shocking ones.